Chairman Jim Rowley - District 2
Jim was born and raised in the Town of Clay and attended Liverpool High School where he met his wife Tracy. They have three adult children. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from Clarkson University, an MBA from Syracuse University and a permanent certificate in School Business Administration
from SUNY Brockport. Jim’s background includes extensive private sector experience in accounting and finance, occupying positions as Controller and Chief Financial Officer in a number of CNY companies. His public sector experience includes an elective office in the Town of Clay as Councilor, Deputy Supervisor and Supervisor, and currently serves on the Board of Education for Liverpool Schools. Jim was the architect of the Clay police merger with Onondaga County in 2008 that saved Clay taxpayers $1 million annually. He went on to serve as Chief Fiscal Officer for Onondaga County from 2008 – 2012 and his work during the “great recession” earned him a Gold Star Resolution from the entire Legislature. Jim is currently the Assistant Superintendent for Finance at Oneida City Schools. The Republican, Conservative, Independence, and Veterans parties have endorsed him.
In January of 2022, Jim was elected Chairman of the Legislature with the goal of ensuring the County Legislature’s co-equal status as a branch of County government. His commitment to fiscal responsibility and passion for all residents of Onondaga County are his primary drivers and he looks forward to serving his term as Chairman.