News + Notes



Chairman Of The Legislature Announces New Program Committee Assignments for 2021

I am excited to welcome our newest County Legislator, Dr. Cody Kelly!  With his addition, I have shuffled some of the committee assignments.  The following are the changes which continue a long-standing tradition of committee appointments focusing on each individual legislator’s strengths. 

Dr. Kelly has been appointed to the Environmental Protection and Planning & Economic Development Committees. These are vital committees, as they focus on maintaining our eco-friendly infrastructure and sewer system, while making sure our county is running efficiently and fostering a growing local economy. 

Legislator Julie Abbott-Kenan has been elevated to Vice-Chair of the Planning & Economic Development Committee. Legislator Abbott-Kenan’s time spent on school boards before becoming a legislator gives her unique insight into the needs of our community and how to best prepare for our next generation’s success. She is a forward thinker whose voice will be heard all the more as Vice-Chair.

I would also like to highlight Legislator John McBride who will now be Chair of the Environmental Protection committee and joining the Ways & Means Committee. Legislator McBride’s tenure as a staff member with the State Senate and as a County Legislator will help him bring an important, seasoned perspective to the environmental issues our county is facing.  His thoughtful, fiscally conservative approach will be important to his new role as a member of the Ways & Means committee. 

These appointments are all effective immediately.

Darcie Lesniak