News + Notes



From the Desk of John McBride

This year, I was asked to chair the County Legislature’s Environmental Protection Committee, and I was thrilled to accept the task. I am eager to work with our legislators to continue making our county more environmentally sustainable.

Our Legislature just recently voted to accept the terms of an agreement that brought an end to our consent judgment with the Atlantic States Legal Foundation regarding Onondaga Lake. For decades, Onondaga Lake has been a major focus of spending in our county. Neglect in the mid-1900s and an aged sewer infrastructure prone to overflows led our county into a legal battle at the end of the 1980s with the Atlantic States Legal Foundation (ASLF). This served as a wakeup call, leading to the County entering into an agreement with the ASLF to remediate contamination in Onondaga Lake and mitigate further pollution in the years to come. In the thirty years since the original consent judgment, Onondaga County has invested nearly $700 million into over 200 green and gray infrastructure projects and has adjusted with changes in standards over the lifetime of the agreement. Having substantially met all requirements imposed upon us by the Amended Consent Judgment long before their deadlines, we as a county are now transitioning out from under the consent judgment into a long term control plan.

The impact of the Amended Consent Judgment has been strenuous and costly, but through diverse and far-reaching efforts, most of the damage to Onondaga Lake has been remedied and steps have been taken to avoid future harmful events.

The County showed over the years that it is committed to investing in projects that have slashed the Phosphorous and Nitrile-N levels in the lake and contained 97.7% of combined sewer overflow events annually. We are proud of the work we have done in the past thirty years, and thrilled to alleviate the burden of the ACJ on Onondaga County taxpayers.

It is easy to focus only on the environmental aspects of Onondaga Lake’s revitalization, but the county has also invested along the shoreline. The Loop the Lake trail has been expanded and is almost complete. It has bolstered connectivity in our community and provides a great place for residents to enjoy the beauty of our lake whether that is for walking, running, biking, or even fishing!

We are stepping into a new chapter; one where we work alongside community partners for water cleanliness and show our diligence as an example to others around the country.

The Onondaga County Legislature is committed to working hard to maintain the highest quality of life we can while acting responsibly and representing our constituents well. I am thankful for the support of our community, and look forward to a productive 2021 as your representative on the Legislature. Please stay safe and be well.

John D. McBride represents the 11th District in the Onondaga County Legislature which includes the Town of Onondaga and portions of the Town of Camillus. Legislator McBride welcomes constituent feedback; he can be reached by email at or by cell 315-345-1403.

Darcie Lesniak