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How Do Legislators Feel About the 2023 Proposed Onondaga County Budget?

Members of the Onondaga County Legislature’s Republican Caucus are excited by County Executive Ryan McMahon’s proposed 2023 budget. It was presented to them by McMahon on September 15.

“There are some good initiatives in the budget, and nothing unreasonable” says Legislature Chairman James Rowley (2nd District). “I think spending is moderate. I don’t see a lot of controversy coming from this budget and I don’t see either side – the Democrats or the Republicans – having much to complain about.”

The proposed budget includes investments in public safety, infrastructure & neighborhoods. Children and seniors are a focus. There’s also an 11% property tax cut that’s expected to save homeowners significant amounts of money.

“I think the priorities are appropriate, if not great, and in line with what the community needs” says Majority Leader Brian May (1st District). “It’s also what county government needs both from a strategic standpoint and from a fiscal standpoint.”

“I’m excited to have a historic tax cut” says Legislator Timothy Burtis (3rd District). “An 11% tax cut is something I’ve never seen before and I think it’s exciting and continues what we’ve been doing. We’ve cut the tax rate every year since I’ve been here, since 2015.”

Legislator David Knapp (12th District) says he’s looking forward to getting more details about each proposal in the coming weeks. “There are certainly a lot of creative proposals, and I’m very excited about the property tax cut, that we can do that as well as invest in all these other priorities. It’s a great situation to be in.”

Legislators Julie Abbott (6th District) and Mark Olson (10th District) are especially glad there is funding in the proposed budget to help our kids.

“I’m really excited about the programs supporting our children” says Legislator Abbott. “Keeping the $5.5 million dollars for mental health care clinics inside our public schools is critical and I’m really excited about it.”

Legislator Olson says, “The investment in our children is important. I think it’s important that we continue those programs because we still don’t know 100% the effects of the pandemic on our kids.”

Just as it is for Legislator Olson, this is the first time Legislator Colleen Gunnip (4th District) has been through the budget process.

“I look forward to looking into the numbers, and I’m happy to hear some of the comments that the County Executive made regarding his investments in 2023” says Legislator Gunnip.

The Onondaga County Legislature will hear from department leaders in the coming weeks, before reviewing the budget line-by-line. A public hearing is planned for October 6, just ahead of when the Legislature will vote on the budget.

“It’s just great that the County Executive is investing in people” says Legislator Ken Bush (13th District). “I think that’s the most exciting part of the budget. He’s putting the county resources where they belong, in the citizens of our county who can really use the help.”

Leader May adds, “I commend the County Executive for sticking to his platform as far as poverty, infrastructure and economic development and clearly it rings through in his proposals.”

Darcie Lesniak