News + Notes



June Update

As our County Legislature reaches mid-year there is still much to be done for our residents. The County Facilities committee visited Carpenter’s Brook Fish Hatchery this month, and the Health Human Services Committee toured the Hillbrook Detention Facility, learning about the nearly completed expansion and the new programs being offered to residents.

Legislator Deb Cody and her County Facilities Committee were guided on a tour of Carpenter’s Brook, our local fish hatchery that produces and stocks over 80,000 brook, brown, and rainbow trout annually. Carpenter’s Brook was built in 1938 and is one of only three county operated fish hatcheries in the state. The Hatchery hosts student groups and provides visitors with opportunities to learn about the ways fish interact with our local ecosystem.

Hillbrook Detention Center is an unfortunate necessity in our community, but Director Damian Pratt reminded the Health & Human Services Committee members of the benefits it brings to the residents living there and to the County. This year, two Hillbrook students graduated from high school by earning credits during classroom sessions. The facility is home to 29 young men who are learning and participating in weekly therapy and group activities ranging from drum circles to organized boxing training. We are always working to lower crime locally, but are equally as committed to providing for those in custody no matter their age or circumstance.

Onondaga County is a New York sportsman’s dream. Our rural areas and large amount of public land are ideal for fishing and hunting. We are also home to beautiful and abundant wildlife and a strong deer hunting season. This month, we will be approving a pilot youth deer hunting season to encourage young people 12 and 13 years old to engage with wildlife under proper supervision and learn the basics of deer hunting. Kids will be required to hold hunting licenses and wear fluorescent orange or pink while hunting with a parent or mentor from ground level. We are excited to see more young people getting involved in a great outdoor activity in our community.

Darcie Lesniak