News + Notes



Legislator Deb Cody Press Release August

As Chair of the County Facilities Committee, we approve funding for improvements to county roads, buildings, and my favorite, parks! After a year of virtual meetings, I was anxious to undertake some ‘field trips’ so that our committee could check out the progress that our Parks and Facilities teams are making, and get a firsthand look at where the money is being spent.  We have been enjoying our ventures and have been very impressed with what we’ve seen!

When the committee visited Rosamond Gifford Zoo, we got to meet some of our beautiful elephants up close and personal and see the brand new enclosures and attractions the zoo has to offer. Our team at the Zoo, led by Ted Fox has grown into a gem of the region, attracting visitors and donors around the world. The state of the art medical center that will house veterinary care for zoo animals, research for local colleges and universities, and an interactive experience for our school age up-and-coming veterinarians, is almost complete. 

In June, we held our meeting at Carpenters Brook Fish Hatchery, one of only three county run fish hatcheries in New York State.  Our hatchery is the only county-run facility that raises all of our fish from eggs. Every year, by April 1, hatchery staff and volunteers stock public waterways with 80,000 brook, brown and rainbow trout.  Carpenters Brook Fish Hatchery dates back to the 1930s.  Recently we started renovating the 18 ponds that house our trout until stocking season.

This month, the committee enjoyed a walk in the woods at Beaver Lake Nature Center.  I cannot say enough about the ‘Friends of Beaver Lake’ group and their support of the nature center.  In 2018, they raised over $600,000 for new exhibits and trail signs.  The County has also authorized spending in this park to renovate the Lake Loop boardwalk.  Sections of this boardwalk have been prone to flooding in recent years which causes closures on this trail.  A fifty foot section was replaced in 2016, with additional improvements continuing through this year.  

Later this month we are touring NBT Bank Stadium, home of the Syracuse Mets, to see the amazing improvements being made there. The stadium added a deck area in right field, a turf area in foul ball territory where kids can run around and try to catch foul balls, and all new lighting systems that create a high-end professional experience for everyone to enjoy. After a year of missing out on entertainment and gatherings, the Mets have played host to some exciting games and fun times at the ballpark this year.

Highlighting the great recreation and parks we have in Onondaga County is the best part of being a County Legislator. We have invested millions of dollars in county parks without raising the cost to taxpayers by finding new funding streams through nonprofits and grant opportunities. I am excited to continue my work serving the people of Salina, Cicero, DeWitt, and Syracuse for years to come; get out and enjoy all that our community has to offer!

Deb Cody represents the 5th district which includes portions of the Town of Salina, the Town of Cicero and the Town of DeWitt.  Deb welcomes constituent feedback; she can be reached by email at or by phone at (518) 421-0022

Darcie Lesniak