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Legislators share thoughts on Onondaga County aquarium vote

After months of debate, discussion and hearing from their constituents, members of the Onondaga County Legislature approved the proposed aquarium project at their August Session.

“Every Legislator worked hard at coming to a decision and we are going to have an aquarium here and I personally believe it’s going to be a huge benefit to the community” says Chairman James Rowley (2nd District), who voted yes.

Legislators heard from thousands of people since the project was first announced. While many publicly - and vocally - came out against it, many also shared their support with Legislators in personal conversations, phone calls and emails.

10th District Legislator Mark Olson didn’t decide until right before the vote was taken, but ultimately, voted in favor.

“I feel this project will have a huge positive impact for all of Onondaga County” he says. “The aquarium will create something new for families to do and many opportunities for new partnerships with local higher education institutions and the chance to further educate the children of our community. Economic development is also a critical part of this project.”

Legislator Olson thinks an aquarium in the Inner Harbor will help revive Destiny USA and neighboring hotels and businesses, all of which struggled so much during the pandemic. Plus, he’s learned about other projects around the country that have brought new life to similar areas in need of revitalization.

Legislator Deb Cody (5th District) has been a long-time supporter of the aquarium and was sponsor of the resolution authorizing the $85 million dollars be spent on the project.

“This was not an easy vote, but ultimately, the vote is about using surplus funds, on an educational and tourism attraction that I believe will grow and enhance our community, so I am choosing to put my faith in this vision for Onondaga County” says Legislator Cody.

Her District covers Salina, home to many hotels and restaurants that out-of-town aquarium visitors would utilize, and that’s one big reason she was a yes vote. But there’s more than that.

“The benefit to the entire county is that new sales tax revenue that will be generated, which enables us to keep property taxes down” Legislator Cody adds. “The educational benefits for students of all ages is very exciting to me. And the potential for a major investment in the Town of Clay could be imminent, bringing a huge influx of new residents and dollars to the county.”

Legislator Cody is referring to the proposed chip plant at the White Pine Commerce Park. An announcement on a big name tenant for the site could come at any time.

Also voting yes for the aquarium were Republicans Colleen Gunnip (4th District), Julie Abbott (6th District), John McBride (11th District), David Knapp (12th District), and Cody Kelly (14th District).

Chairman Rowley adds, “I think everyone needs to respect the process and respect the Legislators decisions. Let’s come together as a community and enjoy this new attraction that we’re going to have in a couple of years.”

Darcie Lesniak