News + Notes



May 4th Legislative Session - Community Investment

Legislators Remain Committed to Economic and Community Development Investments

This month’s legislative session provided great discussion and insight into the future of Onondaga County. Legislator Julie Abbott-Kenan sponsored a resolution this week supporting the Finger Lakes Tourism Region of New York State to be named a National Heritage Area by the National Park Service. This important move will help bring more tourism to the area and boost revenues after a year where income was hard to come by. 

“Locally we all know the beauty the Finger Lakes have to offer, but our out of town neighbors often do not.” Said Chairman Dave Knapp. “This designation would put the Finger Lakes on the National Parks Service map and will let everyone know that Central New York is not to be forgotten in travel plans.”

Legislator Kevin Holmquist sponsored a resolution this month supporting the Land Bank with $200,000 in funds that will provide for various costs necessary to continue their mission of revitalizing dilapidated and tax-delinquent homes. Legislators spoke in support of this resolution and made known that this organization, with all its good intentions, needs to remain solvent and to remain effective. Their work is important and they need to be kept accountable to their cause.

“Legislative Session is a time for our County Representatives to stand together in supporting the community, and we are proud of the work GOP legislators do to care for Onondaga County, said Majority Leader Brian May. “Our caucus is focused first and foremost on the constituents inside our districts and out, knowing that every move made should provide benefit for the whole community.”

Darcie Lesniak