News + Notes



Post-Election Announcement

After what has felt like the busiest October and November in recent memory, the Republican Caucus of the County Legislature is breathing easier with two new Republican Legislators and a freshly passed budget that lowers tax rates to an all time low. This Election Season saw every one of our Republican-held seats on the Legislature challenged by a well-funded and organized cohort of Democrats. Despite their efforts, voters like you showed up to the polls with a clear message: “We have good representatives leading Onondaga County in the right direction.” Voters across party lines elected Republican candidates by wide margins in nearly every Legislature race, giving our caucus a clear mandate to stay the course and keep the County moving forward.

Colleen Gunnip was elected this month to represent the 4th Legislative District. Legislator Gunnip comes to the County Legislature with a long background in public service on the Town and County levels. Colleen served on Salina Town Board as First Ward Councilor and Town Supervisor for a combined 13 years and worked as a Clerk in the Town for 11 years before that. She also is a retired County employee, having worked in the Departments of Social Services, Transportation, Personnel, Legislature, and County Executive. Colleen’s years of experience will be vital to understanding the needs of County workers and residents.

Elected to represent the 10th District, Mark Olson prevailed in a district trending towards Democrats in recent years. His strong campaign and record of fair bipartisanship helped him to victory and we are thrilled to welcome Legislator Olson’s service. Mark Olson’s public service dates to his teenage years, when he became a volunteer firefighter in Fayetteville at 14 years old. He’s remained an active member of the Fayetteville Fire Department since then, and his connection to and understanding of Emergency Services made him a vital partner in the local COVID-19 response. Mark is also Mayor of the Village of Fayetteville and has been for 17 years. Most of his races have been uncontested, as village residents quickly grew to appreciate his service to the community. With Mark’s municipal background and history of working across party lines, he will be an outstanding representative for the 10th District.

Darcie Lesniak