News + Notes



September Update

Onondaga County is committed to caring for our residents, not the least of which is our seniors and our military veterans. In this month’s Health & Human Services Committee, legislators heard from Bill Meyer about a new program he is hoping to start serving our veteran community. The former County Legislature Chairman is working to create a “Shape Up for Veterans” program to offer services to former service members in need. He reiterated to the committee the importance of communicating theprogram as a “veterans benefit” as opposed to a “social service” in order to gain more buy in from the veteran community. This program would be administered in partnership with towns and villages through door to door outreach, offering a housing program that would help restore the shortcomings covered up by a clean exterior.

In September’s County Facilities Committee meeting, the commissioner of parks, gave an update on the department’s accomplishments in 2021. In Carpenter’s Brook Fish Hatchery’s 87th year of operation, it stocked 61,000 trout in our local waterways, exceeding the state DEC’s recommendation by 10%. Despite a lack of volunteers, the team was able to get this work done and maintain healthy ecosystems in our brooks, streams, and rivers. Lights on the Lake last year brought in 56,000 cars, breaking the attendance record for the event. They were able to extend the Charity Night drive through as well, raising $16,000 for local nonprofit organizations. Rosamond Gifford Zoo also saw some significant improvements, with the addition of new animal encounters and the construction of the new medical center.

The Legislature is getting ready to work on the County budget next month. This is the biggest responsibility of the County Legislature, and our caucus is committed to a streamlined process that makes the most of County funds without digging deeper into our residents’ pockets. Our team is focused on providing a good budget that provides for our residents’ needs and invests in infrastructure and economic development. History has proven that this balanced approach to budgeting works for our community, and it has made Onondaga County into what it is today. We are thankful, as always, for your continued support and look forward to continuing to serve you for years to come.

Darcie Lesniak